Pengaruh Pemberian Edukasi Terhadap Penggunaan Antibiotik

Pengaruh Pemberian Edukasi Terhadap Penggunaan Antibiotik

  • iwan saka nugraha Institut Teknologi dan Kesehatan Bintang Persada
Keywords: Antibiotic Knowledge; Atibotic Use Behavior; Antibiotic


Self-medication is an effort made by someone to treat all complaints on themselves with medicines that are purchased freely at pharmacies or drug stores without using a doctor's prescription. Irrational use of antibiotics is often done in self-medication. Rational implementation of self-medication can increase public understanding of the use of antibiotics. The implementation method begins with giving a pre-test, continuing with giving education and closing with giving a post-test. The characteristics of the respondents above show that most of those who took part in this activity were aged 17-35 years by 60%. Most of them are female, 56% and most of them have high school education, namely 51%. The community has less knowledge (52%) regarding the proper use of antibiotics, there is an increase in post-test results, namely to 64%. Participants received information on how to store according to standards and there was an increase in knowledge about the use of antibiotics.


How to Cite
nugraha, iwan. (2023). Pengaruh Pemberian Edukasi Terhadap Penggunaan Antibiotik. Jurnal Abdi Mahosada, 1(2), 51-55.