Hubungan perilaku cuci tangan dengan kejadian diare pada anak sekolah dasar di sd negeri 1 tegallinggah

  • I putu Ditha Satriawan STIKES Advaita medika tabanan
Keywords: cuci tangan, diare, anak sekolah, SD


I Putu Ditha Satriawan, 2024. The Relationship between Handwashing Behavior and Diarrhea in Elementary School Children 1 Tegallinggah. Final Project Nursing Study Program STIKES Advaita Medika Tabanan. Advisors (1) Urge Made Firsia Sastra Putri, S.Kep., MPH. (2) ) Ns. Minnatun Khasha, S.Kep., M.Kep


Background: Diarrhea is a major problem in developing countries, including Indonesia. Apart from being the cause of death, diarrhea is also the main cause of malnutrition which can cause death and also cause very dangerous events. Several factors that cause diarrhea are caused by bacteria through contamination of food and drink contaminated with feces or direct contact with sufferers. Apart from that, the most dominant factors contributing to diarrhea are water, hygienic food sanitation, family latrines and water


Objective : To find out the relationship between hand washing behavior and the incidence of diarrhea in school children at SD Negeri 1 Tegallinggah


Methodology : The research used in this research is quantitative with a descriptive correlation research design using a cross sectional approach. on 47 people selected by total sampling. Data was collected using a questionnaire on hand washing behavior and the incidence of diarrhea. The statistical test used was Spearman's correlation.


Results : The results of measuring good hand washing behavior were 16 people with a percentage of 34.0%, and sufficient hand washing behavior was 13 people with a percentage of 27.7%. and 18 people had less hand washing behavior with a percentage of 38.3%. Based on the Spearman test, results were obtained with a significant value of p = 0.000.


Conclusion : There is a relationship between hand washing behavior and the incidence of diarrhea in school children at SD Negeri 1 Tegalinggah.


Keywords : washing hands, diarrhea, school children, elementary school

How to Cite
Satriawan, I. putu. (2024). Hubungan perilaku cuci tangan dengan kejadian diare pada anak sekolah dasar di sd negeri 1 tegallinggah. JURNAL NAWACITA USADA, 1(01), 1-8. Retrieved from