Hubungan Kualitas Tidur Dan Aktivitas Fisik Dengan Kategori Hipertensi Pada Pasien Hipertensi Di Wilayah Puskesmas Cilacap Utara 2

  • Annisa Dwi Agustina Universitas Al-Irsyad Cilacap
Keywords: Sleep Quality, Physical Activity, Hypertension


Factors that cause hypertension include poor sleep quality and lack of physical activity. This study aims to determine the relationship between sleep quality and physical activity with hypertension category of hypertension patients in the work area of North Cilacap 2 Community Health Centre. This type of quantitative research with cross sectional design using rank spearman statistical test. Measurement of sleep quality with the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Indeks questionnaire (PSQI). Physical Activity with the Physical Activity Level questionnaire (PAL). The results of the univariate analysis shewed that poor sleep quality was 69 people (83,1). Physical activity very mild was 26 people (31,3%).The category of hypertension with grade 1 hypertension was 46 people (55,4%). The result of the bivariate analysis using the rank spearman test showed that there was a relationship between sleep quality and hypertension category of hypertension patients in the work area of North Cilacap 2 Community health centre (pv = 0.008; r = 0,289). The result of the bivariate analysis using the rank spearman test showed that there was a relationship between physical activity and hypertension category of hypertension patients in the work area of North Cilacap 2 Community Health Centre (pv = 0.02; r = 0,253).
