Pemberian Komik Jajanan Terhadap Perilaku Jajan Anak Kelas IV Dan V SD

  • Sintha Pratiwi STIKES Advaita Medika Tabanan
Keywords: Promosi kesehatan, perilaku jajan, komik jajanan


Street food is so plentiful in the neighborhood around the school and consumed by school children. The high interest and consumption spending on school age children not accompanied by the provision of healthy snacks. One of the efforts to improve the behavior of the run is through health promotion. One of the right health promotion media used on school children, especially those aged nine to 12 years or who generally sit in classes IV and V of elementary school are the main consument. Children aged nine to 12 years has been able to hold a logical and logic synthesis child begins to develop. This study aimed to determine the effect of health promotion through the medium of comics snacks on snacks behavior grade IV and V in SD Negeri 3 Senganan. This study was pre-experimental studies (one-group pre-post test design without control group). The sample consisted of 43 grade IV and V SD obtained with a total sampling. The data was collected using a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability. All respondents are given three different comic series every week for three weeks to read. The results showed that behavioral changes snacks, where before reading comics snacks, snack behavior with both categories increased by 9.3% to 93% after reading the comic snacks. Snack behaviors were categorized enough of 90.7% decreased to 7% after reading the comic snacks. Based on the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, this difference was statistically significant, with a value Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 which means there is the effect of health promotion through the medium of comics snacks on snacks behavior grade IV and V in SD Negeri 3 Senganan.


Keywords: Health Promotion, Snacks Behavior, Comics Snacks
