The Treatment Of Bebai In Ayurveda

  • I Wayan Surka
Keywords: Ayurveda, Balian, Bebai


Background and purpose: One type of disease in Bali that is feared to date by the community is bebai, a disease that connotes mystical smell which needs special handling and can only be done by certain people, namely a pangusada (healer) called balian. Treatment of bebai can be done through ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda is the science of healthy living and is able to achieve a long life. The general objective of this research is to find a new understanding of bebai and its handling can be implemented in the community.
Method: This type of research is qualitative with descriptive methods using guidelines for food interviews about bebai and its treatment. Determination of the informants was done by purposive sampling.
Results: Based on the theory the realization of the bebai was made from a variety of means including from the infant baby who died, from the blood of people who died due to accidents. From the point of view of psychiatry, bebai is called a dissociation that arises because certain parties that are related do not have a balanced position. Treatment of bebai in local Balinese Ayurveda can be done by carrying out the ceremony of yadnya licking and healing, as well as by administering medicine.
Conclusion: Ayurvedic medicine can be cured in two ways, namely by administering medicine (sekala) and by spiritual means, namely by a ceremony of obedience.
