Hubungan Lama Pemakaian Kontrasepsi Suntik Kombinasi (Medroxy Progestero E Acetate) Dengan Gangguan Menstruasi Pada Akseptor Di BPM IW

  • Kadek Primadewi Midwifery
Keywords: injectable contraception,, menstrual disorder


Injectable contraception (Cyclofem) is a hormonal contraceptive method containing only progesterone, an injection of medroxyprogesterone acetate and an estrogen component that works in 4 weeks and is available as a contraceptive for women. The results of an interview study on 10 acceptors at Bidan Praktik Mandiri "IW" using cyclofem injectable contraception with 5 people resulted from irregular menstrual disorder, 4 menstruating men, and 1 person weight gain. Objective to know the Old Relation of Contraceptive Use Cyclofem Injection With Menstrual Disorder On Acceptor. Quantitative descriptive research type with correlation study method. In this study describes the relationship of variables about the Old Use of Cyclofem Injectable Contraception with Menstrual Disorders on Acceptors. Data collection with documentation and questionnaires, the number of respondents as many as 26 people. The result of analysis that have been done by using Chi Square formula is got p-value value (Asymp Sig. (2 sided)) at Pearson Chi Square value is 0.000, so χ2 <α or 0,000 <0,05. Conclusion there is a relationship between the duration of the injection against menstrual disorders. Suggestion for contraceptive acceptor combination harmato get information and understand about side effect that can be caused.

